Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Scan your flowers, leaves and other interesting items!!!

Scanning your flowers! What a neat idea! I just saw it done over on Not So Angry Redhead's Blog, and wondered if she meant that she actually scanned her flowers in her actual scanner...so at 11:30pm, here I am...heading out to the backyard with a lantern in one hand and scissors in the other... to cut Gloriosa's to scan. LOL. My sweet DIL was there to help me and we first scanned normally...

first the white background (with light variations due to not being able to close scanner all the way), and the black background (with a peice of black construction paper on top of the flowers to cover the top of the scanner). My black construction paper had tiny flecks of silver in it and you can see it in the scan, just to let you know.

It worked out beautifully! I am looking forward to trying a few other flowers and leaves! This was just a test...I did not arrange them or really plan any sort of layout ...this was just to see what would happen by scanning. Make sure your scanning bed is clean so small bits don't show. I am also wondering how it would look with pretty scrapbooking paper behind. Maybe a few other embellishments!!! Hey, I feel a lot of experimentation coming up!!!


  1. Neat-o! I want to try that when our leaves out here get a little more color.

  2. the black background one is beautiful! you should definitely experiment more!

  3. Lots of people do this. It is a fun way to enjoy your flowers. I have heard that many use a piece of black cloth over their flowers to get a better scan. Have fun.

  4. I see a lot of bloggers are having way too much fun scanning flowers and foliage. Now, if I would just install the scanner on my printer...after the wedding...

  5. Julie that is gorgeous. Wow!!! Looks like an oil painting. You can frame it. Just beautiful and what an amazing plant.

    I'm glad you liked the origami cards and they are a lot of fun. Folds you can do with Donovan too. Some are really easy. You can use regular scrap book paper but you will need to make sure you use the thin sheets. But, the origami papers are really beautiful and colorful. I have seen the packets at Michael's and use your 40% coupon. You do not need a lot so it will last you for a while. The cost of one card you can get your supplies just about. I was going to plant a fall/winter garden but I think I will give the ground a rest. I may plant in containers some herbs Snap peas were a favorite of mine.

    have a great day.

  6. LOL! You've just become addicted but perhaps you'd like to follow the link on that blog post and the links in the link. ;)

  7. Very pretty! I now I want to try it!!

  8. This is interesting idea with nice results! I like these very much.

  9. Yes, I agree, this was a really fun project and I will definitely be doing this again. I'm waiting for my Japanese maple tree to starting getting some deeper color to the leaves...I really love the one entry with the cabbage and apples too. Your blooms are so mysterious and gorgeous! Can't wait to see what else you come up with as you've got some interesting plants! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving your nice comments. It's nice to meet you! ~Cat

  10. ah, fun! gorgeous!!!!! Can't wait to see more.
