Hello everyone on Thursday evening!
It has been a busy week, and I am still washing clothes, gosh darn it, at midnight...the fun never ends. A few days ago I rescued this pretty little AF at Lowes! I would say 75% of the African Violets they had there, had dried up to nothing! This one was begging me to save it! The color of the flower is actually much darker, and very beautiful! I wanted to get one that had a frilly edge, but then this color just stuck out so much for me, I had to get it! I used to grow them all the time in my kitchen window, but then needed a change so gave them up for something else...probably when my succulent addiction started!!!
Is anyone out there a stamp collector? I got my stamp collection out tonight just to look through it. I collect used world stamps, and I decided many years ago that I would mainly collect beautiful stamps of my choosing...called TOPICAL stamps, there are so many featuring animals, plants, mushrooms, etc...your hearts desire really! Anyway, with the advent of Ebay, you can really find more or less many of these and I think I want to have a few goals in mind when choosing my stamps. I would like to get at least 1 stamp from each of the countries I have pages for, and I would like to concentrate on stamps that might have meaning to me. For example I have many nurse, dog, cat, plants, flowers, mushrooms, insects, reptiles, birds, Harry Potter, chihuahua, U.S. Army tanks, and famous people stamps. I believe the one stamp I came across tonight that seems very special to me is an Abraham Lincoln. Then I do enjoy getting big batches of all sorts of world stamps to sift through and find spots for in my book. I have a huge book that I made myself from a gigantic binder, with tons of countries (some of which I know not where they even are in the world), and also added blank pages in some countries because I have so many for that particular place. One example is in my U.S. stamps, I have so many LOVE stamps, and Christmas stamps, that I had to add extra pages just for those!!!
I am rambling on tonight about this, only because I had pulled it all out tonight to look for any extra water bird stamps that I might use for ATC's. Sometimes you get multiples...but I could not find any water birds. Poo. I did find about 10 blackbird stamps from Ireland that I did not realize I had. I think it is time for a blackbird ATC swap!!! LOL.
Well, anyway...this is what I have been up to tonight. Trying to keep up some sort of personal time, even with the grandkids here...once they get to sleep, I can have an hour or two to myself...if I can keep my eyes open!