While I was out thrift shopping on Saturday, I came upon this very loosely woven wall hanging, with pictures in it made from what looks like burlap! There was a cactus in the mix, so I snapped a picture hoping to find information online about this very interesting art form! I have tried all kind of searches to no avail! Can anyone tell me if they know where something like this would have originated from? I am wondering if I should go back and buy it. Is it rare? It reminds me of macrame, but it is not. Hmmmmm....
Looks Peruvian to me. They herd Llamas and Alpacas and use the wool for weaving into yarn for art and clothing, and there's an Alpaca in the piece you have.
Well done Julie, Happy Cactus Monday.
It looks like free-style weaving to me... the long strings are the warp strings, that are stretched up and down, then you go in with a small shuttle or strung needle and just weave in jute back and forth to form the patterns, leaving the large unwoven areas. I've not seen much of it, the design motifs, the man with the flat hat, the llama, etc, would appear to be South American... but the cactus and the colors look more Southwestern... it's only purpose is as a wall hanging... which means it's fairly modern. Older woven wall pieces started out as practical blankets. Could be anytime after the 70's, but I'd suspect a bit later.
Congrats! You are so creative and talented!
Loving this woven piece with cactus in. Cactus Art is so moving!!!
HCM, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year...
Good Morning!
Wow you really found a treasure. I have no idea where that would have ordinated from...Mexico...Spain?...really nice and so different.
Enjoy and have a lovely day
oh yes...I agree Peruvian..that could be it. I just noticed that comment.
Wonderful find Julie!
I also have a built in cactus eye when I am travelling......
I can´t answer your question.....
Happy Cactus Monday!
My vote is Peruvian...definitely gorgeous!:)
Happy Cactus Monday Fellow Cacuteer! :)
Wow, that is unique, any other lucky finds while thrifting?
Hi Julie,
I studied weaving and I would agree with everything Claude said. It's a modern wall hanging.
But a very classy find indeed.
Both the Cactus and the Llama serve as connecting elements in this weaving, this keeps the images from shifting around to much.
You have a wonderful Christmas and HCM!
YOu are so resourceful to find this beauty!
Happy holidays too.
Thanks everyone for the great comments and help!!! It was a neat peice.
Hi Julie,
Hope you have a wonderful holiday and a great new year!
This looks so interesting....I can't help much with it's origins but it certainly is a lovely piece....nice find, Julie!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and to your family.
Enjoy the little ones at this special time..*hugs*
marvellous. i missed cactusmonday for the first time in nearly a year...boo hoo.
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