
Monday, June 7, 2010

Spiny Orbweaver or crab from Mars?????

This spider keeps re-making a web right by my front door! I want him gone...I feel like it makes an entrance like maybe the Adams Family lives here! Kinda spooky!

I found out what kind of spider he is by doing a Google search, and then uploaded my photos to Bug Guide. One was taken with a flash and one without. The one without really shows off his red horny protrusions! This thing is scary looking and I still need to do more research to see if they are poisenous (I doubt).


Lisa at Greenbow said...

She is just trying to catch the bugs that try to get into your house before they get there. What a beautiful spider.

Aaerelon said...

It's definitely a Yellow-Burst Star Crab. Native to the Marshan equatorial regions, they have recently migrated to earth on stray pieced of Mars launched into space from asteroid impacts. Although the web appears flexible, it is actually crystallized silicon.

I've never seen anything like it!

Cindy said...

Not poisonous. She probably keeps building her web there because it's working as a good location for catching bugs. An easy way to relocate it is to gently sweep it up, spider and all, with a broom, then carry your broom to another part of your yard that you wouldn't mind having a spider web, and release her there. Remember, spiders are the good guys. They eat pesty flies, mosquitoes and other bugs.

Catherine said...

Hi Julie! I know this spider oh so well! Growing up I was always outside playing and climbing trees and I always came across these little guys! As far as I can tell they are harmless, I used to play around with them all the time... They're a cute spooky! :)

Mandy said...

You're much nicer than I am! I would've taken the picture, and then had my husband squish it...just in case! It is a scary looking thing!

Bobbie Lynn said...

Oh My Gosh!!! I do not like spiders but I have to say he is one of the most interesting looking spider that I have seen. Yes, he needs to find a new please to do his webbing.

Bobbie Lynn said...

Julie, here is a blog that has some really neat ATC and cards, but need to look at her latest post.

click on the highlighted "herbs and Weeds" and guess what you see? A postage stamp of that little guy.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Ugh---I've never seen anything like that one, Julie... I'd want him GONE also....

Lynn Cohen said...

I think it is beautiful. Nature is so amazing...hope it is not poisionous. Give him/her wide berth. ;-)

Laure Ferlita said...

He's kinda cool looking, she said, standing on the other side of the driveway!! I wonder if he would take kindly to being relocated.....worth a try anyway. Once you're sure he's not poisonous.

Love that little face on his back!!! He's smiling!!

Claude said...

I'd leave him alone.

he eats bugs.

and, with any luck, he'll scare off door to door salesmen and such.

My Little Family: said...

He would FREAK me out!!!!

Jenn said...

She is really cool, but I wouldn't want her at my front door, either. Is she building near a porch light?

Maybe there is a similar place you can relocate her to?

Unknown said...

Eeek yuk I was going to say. Then I read Lisa 's comment.... Maybe I don't have an opinion now! Except it is very" interesting" looking.

Julie said...

Bobbie Lynn- WOW! What a coincidence!!! Beautiful stamp, eh??? Thanks for telling me about this! I collect stamps too, and will keep my eyes open for this one!!!

Julie said...

Aerelonian- Ha! I knew it! Thanks for confirming my suspicions!!!

Marthann's Musings said...

OH my goodness. I do not like spiders, they scare me to death. If I saw that one on my front porch I would probably scream !!! I know they do good, but that one is really creepy. Relocation is a definite for sure.

Candice Suter.....Sweetstuff said...

This is one freaky looking spider! I can't believe that I am saying this but it is rather pretty. It does look like a yellow smiley face with red spiky hair!!! LOL I would move it though.

Marthann's Musings said...

Oh that would totally terrify me if I saw it. Spiders do a real number on me, even though I know they do good things. That one looks really evil, I have never seen one like it.

Teri said...

OMG, ugly and scary-looking dude. I'm with you...begone!!

Matti at Far Out Flora said...

OMG that guy is creepy.

Judi said...

Hi Julie
Well I was going to say eeeuuuuuuuuu but then when i read some of the comments I decided that well as long as he is not poisonous and is being a good boy eating bugs and thats why he's sticking by...then I should admit that he does look rather handsome.
Be happy he's eating bugs around there...hmmmmm...

have a great evening

Anonymous said...

I don't like spiders and snakes and that ain't what it takes if you wanna be loved by me. And I really hate scorpions. I think its really an awesome looking spider though but I'm like you, I wouldn't want to be geated by it at my front door either.
Happy, Woofy Birthday to your sweet little Dozzey Girl. What a cutie.

yoon see said...

Nasty spider yeah but I like this spider a lot. look so unique!
It's great that you share it with bug guide.
After reading to the last lines. I am fearful...fearing his red horny protrusion. Indeed now my likeness to this spider has decreased....

Thanks and look like you have so much fun doing google search for this! Take care and looking forward the next adventurous of yours Julie!

Deborah W said...

eeek! I'm definitely not a fan of spiders.....though I will admit...this one IS interesting! Good luck with the relocation!

marianne said...

Are you sure it isn't a Pokemon?????