Standing in the kitchen with the BIG, lovely case of pastels that my SIL had bought me a while back, I began to just freehand her out. Such fun! I always knew I was a cheap date, but seriously confirmed it tonight. LOL! The doll is so cute, and what I ended up with here kinda looks like something you might pay admission to see at the fair! But, she still has a cuteness factor that is hard to deny.

I love her! Thanks to all of you who inspire me just to play!!! You will never know how much I appreciate it!
P.S. There is a lot to be said about having a large choice of colors in whatever medium you use, is there not??? Ahhhhh.
That's great, Julie! The little ornament is adorable and you're drawing is equally adorable! It reminds me of Raggedy Ann and Andy.
Oh Julie, she is fabulously cute and so wonderfully done. I hope we see more of your art too.
One cannot get enough COLOR. I think this little ornament is sweet. Thanks for the link love. I need to get busy too.
That's so sweet. What a neat idea for a drawing. jan
Wow! It's excellent...
Great job, Julie!!
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