My Prickly Pear, which you may remember from my front garden (this pic is from July or so)....fell over with the strong winds we've been having!!! Yesterday started near freezing here and high winds! Other than patio furniture being blown around, this was my only plant disaster. The roots are not long, so I think I will just dig a deeper hole and sink it in a little further to stablize it. I didn't take a pic of the poor fallen thing today because I didn't want to freeze while doing it. The thing is actually about a third again larger than what you see here!!! It's a steady grower.
Hey, here in south Florida, we are not used to such temps! We are big babies! LOL.
It is supposed to get down to between 22-34 overnight!!!! Good grief!
I got an idea tonight that I could posibly use the pads as stamps...carve a design into them and stamp on paper??? Do you think it would be too juicy??? I may give it a go. I haven't actually found a good use for the pads (I'm not fond of the taste). Maybe I could grind them in my Vita Mix and use it for a floor cleaner??? OK, just kidding!!!
So how are all of you fairing in your current weather conditions??? We also have a wildfire not too far down the road (approx 20 miles away) that is threatening homes now...that is so scary! The air is very dry. Weird, for us.
My lungs are not reacting well...a little cough and congestion. I am using my inhalers (for occasional asthma), and drinking my wonderful Airborne. The thing that heals me the fastest and makes me always feel 110% better is my Doozey. She was just jumping at my feet to come up, and now she is laying arcoss my chest and I am typing with both hands doing a balancing job...
She is awaitng a bath as soon as it warms up...and time for her flea medicine again. I guess I will take her to bed and snuggle up for the night...while praying for calm and warmer days, and no more cough!
Can you maybe put a couple of well placed stakes, (you know, those green metal plant stakes) right up next to the plant to support it without having to dig? Maybe you could cut off some of the tallest, top-heaviest part, so the rest might be easier to hold up. Then you could use those cuttings to make your prints. If the pads are to oozy to use right away, just let them sit a couple of days till they callous over.
Cold, windy weather in Florida. What is this world coming to? Last week, we had almost 8 inches of rain. Our average for the whole year is about 15.
I'm with you, Julie! Last night it got down to 29 and it's miserable. We're just as wimpy here when it comes to cold weather. My 'Mother of Millions' sustained some damage the other night; covered up no less! It's supposed to be warm here towards the end of the week and I might have to transplant what's in that planter and move them to the greenhouse or the house. Ridiculous!!
That's awful about the wildfire. I hope they've got it under control. Hope you feel better soon!
Hopefully it survives! I can't believe the weather this winter, it's just crazy. Snow blanketing the Eastern Seaboard and Europe, crazy rain here in Vancouver, below normal temperatures in Florida...
Hope your cough goes away soon. Take care, adn Happy Cactus Monday! Sorry to see the poor prickly pear!
Happy Cactus Monday. I hope you are feeling better. You have the right idea going to bed in this weather. Cold. Especially for you. Our high yesterday was 27 and it felt good due to much colder weather being here for so long. I hope you cactus makes it. It probably will. They are tough plants.
Happy New Year my friend :)
Happy New Year, Julie!
Seems that almost everyone I come in contact with has a cough. Hope yours is gone by the time you read this comment.
I'm interested in your prickly pear cactus. I have one in my garden that grows as a perennial here. I'll post about it someday and you can tell me if that's what it is. It doesn't stand up proud like yours. The pads are thicker and it mostly spreads and sprawls and gets lovely yellow flowers in laste June.
I bet your "cold" weather is gone and you are back to the lovely Florida days. I didn't read many blogs over Christmas/New Years, so now I have lots of catching up to do.
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