I am psyched, Claude!!!!!

Well, we'll just call this one BIG DADDY, and leave it at that!!!!!! Whew!

Here are a couple of cuties basking in the sun between a bunch of low growing Kalenchoe tubifloras, and Silver Squill...they look great together, don't they????? Yeah, baby!

And a few more pretties together! They love the winter sun!

My Kalenchoe (Mother of Thousands, or Millions, hehehe) is growing it's long stalk up to the sky to flower again...not much to see yet, but I took a few pics up close, and got this one. What a monster plant! Kinda scary/freaky looking!

Then my grandson and I went to PiZap, online photo editer, and had a little fun experimenting around, but ending up just adding some sunflowers for eyeballs. We decided that this guy is a BIG talker...and he's a little silly now!!! Hehehehe.

Hope you all have wonderful weekends wherever you are in the world!
xoxo- Julie
That's so funny! As I was scrolling down your post and I saw that Kalanchoe, I thought, "This guy's begging for a face." Then I saw the next one with the eyes and I just laughed. He's talking alright, and he's saying "Feed Me!"
"Big Daddy" Heh heh.
Julie, your monster is fab!! So creative!
All your plants look so happy and healthy. Maybe they are thriving on neglect, you being so busy and all. lol
Time for some pix of those cutie grands isn't it?
Your plants look so healthy Julie. Isn't it exciting to have some growth on one that hasn't had any side shoots before. Your altered photo is cute. Love the sunflower eyes. I hope you have a great weekend too.
so glad to see the cleistocactus is doing so well... You may get flowers next Summer, they're pretty willing usually.
I love the pic of the kalanchoe... with or without the eyes...
They're all gorgeous! I guess while we share like summers, our winters are a bit different!
My babies are not happy at all at the moment. I'm glad you mentioned the Mother Of Millions blooming, mine that you sent have flower stalks shooting up. I'm excited to see how they look. The tubiflora variety I have, Chandelier Plant also have blooms getting ready.
Love the sunflower eyes!!
Haha, funny!
julie, that last photo is hysterical!!!! LOVE IT!!!
Everything looks so great! I love that Big Daddy! I had one like that and it got the most beautiful string of pink flowers around the top every year! Awesome! Your tires have some super succulents!
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