The most disturbing thing happened to me this morning! I had seen a lovely shoot of yellow flowers on a long stalk coming up from a little aloe plant in my tires, right outside my kitchen window, so I ran out this morning to take pictures, and found out it was a darn flowering WEED just in front of the aloe!!! OMG! I was so sad. What a let down! I snatched that thing out by the roots and threw it as hard as I could down on the ground and cursed at it! LOL.
Anyhoo... my kalenchoe is growing very tall, ready to make it's very unusual flowers, and it just hit me how it had some really beautiful parts to it, so I did a little photo shoot with it. Sorry my camera is so crappy and I could not get perfectly sharp pics of all areas...but hopefully you can get the idea of how pretty it is. I keep it in a strawberry pot to contain it, and it has actually been VERY enjoyable. If it grows too tall or wide, I just trim it down and then it makes for even more beauty. Even though it can be so invasive and crazy, it might be a top contender for giving me the most JOY all year long. I think it is particularly lovely in the strawberry pot. What do you think???
well, howdy...
I certainly hope you had an excellent holiday... mine was okey dokey. I like these little guys too... it always seems that they have babies sprouting up somewhere. Here, the ones that get loose don't survive the winter, so they're not quite as invasive.
gorgeous, you certainly have 'green thumbs'!
Thats a good thing, Claude, eh???
Your cholanchoes look so different from the ones I've seen here. I'll have to try and photograph mine. I have 2 but right now they're in crappy shape from neglect!
I love the shot of the one leaf and all the buds. Very unusual!
Wow, those are both unusual and unusally beautiful!! I think you need to sketch them. (I keep trying to get a pencil in your hand :)
curses to that weed!!!
but the rest is so beautiful! thanks for the photos
Hellloooo. How dare that weed invade your space!
I just love the way the little plantlets are growing along the edge of the leaves of your one plant. You will have lots of them.
beautiful ...i do not have this kalanchoe ,you are lucky thanks for photo
I love this!
As a child we had a plant like this growing in the stairwell. The little baby plants on the mother leaves were so magical!
My pot of these things is just thick with them now. They largest ones are growing tall stems that look like they are forming flowers of some kind. The stalks ruin the looks of the plant, but since I've not seen this before, I'm going to leave them to see if they bloom. Have you ever seen this before?
Aiyana- yes...last year this is ...what the blooms looked like! There are prettier pictures of them on the internet though!
Hi, I'm blog surfing and found you via Getting Grounded. I saw where you like kalanchoes, so I'm reading through those posts; I love them too. Your k diagremontianum is beautiful! This winter was severe here in Texas, I lost several even though they were protected.
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