OK...Day #6...A pic of something that makes me happy! Well, I decided I couldn't do only one pic and get all my family into it, so then I thought of flowers, succulents, plants of all sorts, bees, bugs, weather patterns, rocks, petrified wood (seriously), the beach, clouds, new finds from the thrift store, friends (right up there with family), my HP mini, my desktop, my fun playing with arts and crafts of all sorts, and I finally decided it should not only be a picture of something that makes me happy, but something that makes me happy by EATING it!!! BREAD!!! It seriously could have been pies, cakes, cookies, muffins, but seriously what smells better than fresh baked bread out of your own oven??? NOTHING!!!!!
OK...Day 7 (I missed a day and have to catch up)...My favorite movies!
Well, I will be general here...but I love romantic comedies best, then comedies. I love old films too...like Holiday Inn, Sabrina, etc. I guess I am kinda old fashioned. I will not watch a film (generally) that is rated higher than PG13. I am not interested in watching others have sex, or killings. I don't particularly enjoy foul language. Thats just me...ask anybody...they know my rules on movies!!!
Mmmm. I remember when you made these. Pass the butter, please.
Ah, there is nothing better than home bakes bread and that wonderful smell. We are on the same page there Julie.
Hi Julie,
Your right about the smell of bread baking. I keep telling myself that I just got to try and make a loaf or two. I have a really neat book too. The loaves there in the photos look yummy. I really enjoy reading about you and your family. Your right about the movies. I'm the same way. Have a wonderful day.
that looks so good. I just drove all the way to town an hour ago for italian bread! I only have a toaster oven here in the cabin so fresh bread is almost never these days. But there are some trade offs I guess. :)
Freshly baked bread is the best!! I think I need a bread machine.
The aroma is reaching here...
You know something, even I like romantic comedies and comedies... love 'em!I ne'er like to watch tragedies...so depressing!
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