I couldn't sleep last night...so got up and drew a picture from a book I own called "One Hundred Desert Wildflowers in Natural Color", by Natt N. Dodge. I used colored pencils after drawing it out on an index card...I did get the flowers a little too dark...these are actually a light yellow color.
According to Natt:
These wildflowers grow from Kansas to Texas, California, and northern Mexico. Sometimes they grow in clusters, but are found singly along roadsides and waste ground. They are widespread all over the desert from April to November (which is now)...The plant is known to have been used as a treatment for boils and skin diseases. The Hopi Indians boiled the plants in water, and then bath in it to relive the pain of insect bites!
Looks like you are about ready to start selling your art! You are certinly gifted!
Well girl, you have been busy while I have been away. You always have something new and interesting to report, and I have missed not reading you. Big Hug.
This is just wonderful Julie! I think you are hooked on sketching. And you should be, you did such a good job on this.
Pudgeduck- LOL...funny!
Glad you are back Sue!
Teri- Thanks...I am enjoying it! Thanks for sort of awakening me!
those hopi guys sure knew what they were doing, pity we don't use more natural stuff like that to help us.
this was definitely worth losing some zzzzzzzz's.
You are multi-talented. You should move to AZ and we could hang out and talk cacti and art.
Hi Julie;
You draw very, well. I think it is a great skill when you are able to draw or paint your own pictures. I have gone back to some of my old posts, and I remembered you giving me the names of some of my succulents. I hope you are well and I see you are going to be a grandma! It is a pleasure!
A wonderful drawing and a very interesting post to go with it. Well done, Julie!
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