Hey, you gotta check out what I bought! I guess I have a fetish for tires! I didn't realize it so much, until my blogger pal,
Vickie, pointed it out to me! LOL!!! This purse, I bought from
The Animal Rescue Site, and it is really neat! Very well made, and if you buy from them, you also donate so many cups of food to a shelter! I think it is a win-win situation! Consider visiting Vickie's blog, where you can vote for a Ratbone Shelter, and give them a chance to win money for the shelter!

It's so interesting when you go to a random blog and find out something that connects you. I stumbled upon your blog through Tootsie's blog. I love succulents and just recently started collecting them.
I read your blog today... and I also adopted a dog through Ratbone Rescue! The same rescue your blogger friend volunteers with. I used to foster for them 5-6 years ago before I had my son but I can't anymore because the house is just too busy!
Anyhow - I have enjoyed reading your blog and I hope you don't mind that I added you to my list of blogs that I read on my blog!
Interesting, I will watch now for more tire issues. I like the hobo style of purse too.
Hi Domestic Diva! Thanks for reading my whole blog! Welcome!!!
Lisa- LOL. I have had my eye on some shredded tire mulch!!!!
What a clever idea and cute too boot! I spend a lot of time clicking for dog and cat food! I guess they feed a lot of animals.Another good idea.
this is totally fabadabadoo, chic and 'out there'!!!
What A cool bag! I will follow the link Julie
Have a nice weekend!
I LOVE the bag- it's so cool!!!!!
Nice purse Julie - glad you are happy! Can you believe another ratboner found her way to your site? That's amaizing. Vickie
It DOES look very cool and neat and well-made. Leave it to you to find it.
Vickie- It really is amazing for another Ratbone rescuer to find my blog! Have you gone over to visit her yet??? You guys would probably have a lot in common!
Thanks for posting better pictures of this purse than the single one the site offers.
I can't decide, so I'll have to follow my 'when in doubt, don't' philosophy and wait it out until next time I feel the urge to buy it! That's too bad - for me, cause it's on sale now, AND a code gets an extra 10 bucks off.
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