The guy above was a Mother's Day gift from my son and his wife! This little garden gnome is playing the accordion! I have a well made child's accordion that I try to learn on, but I am too uncoordinated to learn a darn thing. It kind of functions as a harmonica does, making one note as you pull in and another as you pull out! Very confusing for my brain, it seems! My grandson likes to play around with it. Anyhow, when they saw this gnome, I suppose they felt I would love it, and guess what? I LOVE HIM SOOOO MUCH!!! I really love his color too...sort of a green patina...so perfect for a garden, eh? Gnomes are universal happiness makers too, which is the major reason to love one! A big thankyou to my kids for finding him for me!!!
Now, this morning (Tuesday AM), I drilled holes about 1 inch from the bottom (along the sides) of these 5 gallon ORANGE pots (don't ya just love them already)??? Most of you know my fav color is orange, he he he!!!

I filled them with Miracle Gro and cow poop and compost. Buried each plant up to it's leaves, added tomatos cages, and have them in a sunny, yet shaded spot. I am hoping to move all the pots each day from the shade to the sun from 8am to 10am, then return them to the shade again. This is one big south Florida experiment!!! I hope it works! It is so blasted hot and with intense sun...we have to take precautions and hope for the best! I want my darn bush tomotoes, gosh darn it all to heck!
Below are just some close-ups I took of my lovely Kalenchoe! I am so in love with this fascinating plant! No matter what, you can always find a gorgoeus picture of some part of it! Nothing compares to this wonderous plant...must be straight from God, for sure, at least in my book!

What a fabulous new garden companion!! He's just about perfect!
You've certainly been busy!! Love those orange "pots!" What about putting them on some rollers like they have for plants in the house so it's not quite so much work moving them?
Love the close ups - they make the kalenchoe look almost alien!
I agree with you on that, God great and I'm thankful also for what he has given me.
Good luck with your tomatoes and that little gnome is too cute. Hope he brings you luck in your garden. That is one amazing kalanchoe there.
Happy Gardening!
Great companion for your family, isn't he?Those orangy pots looks great for your cute plants. And finally the close ups too are fantastic!
Your gnome is perfect for the garden. I bet he likes those orange pots also!
Your plants are always wonderful to see!
Wonderful gift! Good luck with your experiment..Kalanchoes are cool looking plants..
Love your gnome, Julie.... He will 'protect' your garden!!!!!
Hope your tomato experiment works... We put little cherry tomatoes in pots and they are good.
Your Kalenchoe is so interesting.... Love it.
Happy Mothers day! lovely shots of your succulents. It looks like your on the road to a summer filled with tomatoes.
I like your orange pots. Moving all of them twice per day sounds like a lot of work. Good luck. Lowes here has all of their succulents and cactus in. I drool every time I walk past them. I just hate to purchase them and have them only in the summer. They seem to die during winter. Not enough sunlight in my house for them.
Love the Mother of Millions! I think they call it a Mexican Hat too, but all I know is I'm going to find me one this year! I found the Chandelier one last year and it does the same thing with all the little babies on the egdges. Some people refer to the as weeds, but they're nuts...I agree with you on the gift from God!!
Good luck with your tomatoes...it gets equally hot here...hopefully you get more rain than we do during the scorching months!
That really is an awesome gnome!!
Love that Kalanchoe - lovely. Tomatoes will look stunning in those orange pots :)
Julie, love you new little gnome. My parent's had a whole set of little gnomes in their gardens. Our kids all loved playing with them when they were little. Love your plant photos, they are amazing.
Love your Gnome! I think I will be getting another one soon-someone dropped a hint.. You have a lot of energy..I just forget the tomatoes in this heat- although I have had one in the ground for over 2 years.
That is the cutest gnome ever! Looks like your tomatoes are off to a great start. :D
The orange containers are the best -- I really like them. Took my 86-year dad to his favorite garden center this morning to buy some Early Girl tomato plants.
I don't know anything about Kalenchoes but these photos make them look more like sea creatures than succulents. They're fabulous. No wonder you're so crazy in luv with them.
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