Then if a bear came to my tent and started shredding it up...luckily I don't really have many bears to worry about here in south Florida. I always worry about them when we are in the mountains though.
And, last but not least, I fear alligators and crocs in the wild. This is a reality here...and we just had a bit of a scare at a nature preserve a few weeks ago. We were on a boardwalk out over the water, and the water came right up on the shore to the path out. A rather large gator swam over to where we were, and we were fairly concerned about walking back to the car. These creatures may or may not try to attack, but it still scares you. There had been a couple with a baby in a stroller who had just left, and we were so relieved they had gotten out of there...I could see something happening where no one realized the danger. The area was wet, a lot of shrubbery around the waters edge...I was watching for gators and listening too as we walked in...definately spooky. I will not go back way!
Photos for this post are from FREE-CLIPART.NET.
But there's nothing cooler than seeing in the wild!! Watching a croc in the water hiding with just the eyes surfaced gives me the chills and thrills at the same time.:)
Yes, crocs can sure be scary and dangerous! The fresh water crocs aren't too bad but the salt-water crocs up north have been known to attack and kill people who haven't realised the full danger.
I know I will have scary dreams tonight! I would not go there ever. Do be safe. Can you run faster than a Crock or Alligator? Oh I would just feak out for sure.
See me run fastttttttttttttttttttttt.
How funny that you mentioned bears. Mark and I stopped by an old friend's house today on our bike ride. She got attacked by a bear during a work/camping trip in Alaska. She's even featured on one of those shows called something like "When Animals Attack." She still has tooth imprints in her arm. jan
I hear you on those crocs YIKES how scary. Bears give me the shivers also. Oh we are so human aren't we!
We were canoeing one time and had a gator swim right toward us... he actually had to in order to swim away, but my fiance was terrified nonetheless, especially since rather than paddling away I was reaching for my camera! :O
Good things to be afraid of. I might add those to my list if I was the outdoorsy type! Nope, my husband knows that if there's a litle snake near our yard that he should just dispose of it and never make me the wiser.
I have ne'er thought of the possibility of an encounter with bears or crocs but snakes...they do give me shivers!!!lots to be found in our place. Similarly stray dogs (in our place) which many a times have terrorised us by running behind everyone in the block...
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