My Kalanchoe are covered in leaflets right now! Here is a shot looking straight down onto the top of a K. tubiflora (talk about an awe inspiring design)!!!:
And K. daigremontianum. Isn't this just gorgeous colors???
The new Drift Rose is getting covered by new flowers!
I have a load of green tomatoes. Besides this plant, I have 3 more plants loaded up!!! I think I will make Emeril Lagasse's Green Tomato Pie...I found the recipe in my last Organic Gardening Magazine! Looks delicious!
How many eggplants do you see hanging in there??? I counted 8 visable ones, and a few more were hidden by leaves!!! These babies are continually producing...I have to admit we are reaching the brink with consumption though...I think I have too many plants for sure...but it has been a ton of fun!!!
This little guy ran out just in time for me to snap a pic of him...he seemed to enjoy modeling...stood there quite a while! It looks like his body is wet, and his tail is dry, doesn't it???
I ended up going to work today for my last day of laptop training...
I still have laryngitis tonight, but feel good. It has been a strange illness in that I have been able to carry on throughout. Thank God!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
That Kalanchoe on top is amazing! I have "a thing" for plants that have star-shaped leaves, flowers, or whatever. Yours is just trippy!
Re: surplus eggplants, our local elementary school has recently started a bi-weekly "backyard garden market", where families with fruit trees or home gardens can bring their surplus to sell as a fundraiser for the school. You could find out if there's anything like that in your neighborhood.
Re: the lizard, his tail is lighter colored because he's getting ready to shed his tail skin. Sometimes, when lizards shed, they do it piecemeal rather than all in one piece. Our bearded dragons were like that.
Have a good weekend :)
Your garden is still the best one on the blog. I love it, and your new header too. rest that voice now and have a good weekend and happy moms day to you.
Just planted tomatoes and peppers and cukes today. :) Probably will do one eggplant and one yellow squash--they always seem to supply more than anyone can eat. :)
Glad you are feeling better Julie. That little lizard is strange looking being two-toned. Love that first picture. It looks like a big snowflake.
Thanks, Cindy! I knew you would know the skin thing with Mr. Lizard, if there was one!!!
I know Donovans school does not have a greenmarket type thing...will check on the districts website if any other school might! That is a smart idea someone had!!!
Color me jealous! Look at your tomatoes and eggplants! Looking great!
Thanks for sharing that blog site. Just love the mini roses. The buds on minis are so sweet.
That is one amazing kalanchoe there Julie. That is beautiful.
What pretty pink roses there too. Your tomatoes and eggplants did really well in the Home Depot containers. Look at all the yummy eggplants.
Again, have a wonderful Mother's Day.
Happy Mother's Day Julie *hugs*
I hope you've had a lovely day. I don't see a post here so I hope its because everything has been wonderful there and not that you are feeling sick.
I'm sorry I didn't see the post about your not feeling well..*hugs* I hope you are better.
Your plants are absolutely gorgeous. Oh I would love to help you with those eggplants. I love those. How come you have just the greenest thumb??
Marc got sick last Thursday night with this strange coughing...during the weekend he would have these dry coughing spells and he would have to sit up during the night and have coughdrops. By Sunday night he was achy and coughing and sinus problems. He was off work 2 days with some feverish feelings, achy and this cough. Friday night he had a "toothache"...painful and dull at the same time. His sinuses have really been acting up and he sounds very sinusy. Now the tooth is fine but it has started at the other side. Sore throat is gone but he's left with these strange symptoms... We don't know where he got this.
I sure hope you are feeling good.. Did you go to class?
*hugs* Feel better.
Those first plants have an amazing design!!!
Fun post Julie.
Gorgeous! I'm completely jealous...mine are being a little slow and I have such limited patience! Your little whale is darling!
Laryngitis is the pits. I have had it many times. I hope yours ends soon. Those kalanchoe shots are so artsy girl!!!! Love it! They are beautiful plants. And you are such a great vegie grower! Hey, I am trying to grow cherry tomatoes this year. I plopped two bags of dirt on top of each other with holes of course and planted my plants. It even holds the tomato holder thingy. Haha! Can't wait to see what happens.
Thanks for stopping by and visiting my garden, I'm lovin' yours! Beautiful rose, I have a couple and really like there low growing shape and the single blooms and they bloom a really long time, too.
The first pic sure is stunning. I keep looking at it. Fantastic - looks like jewellery.
I am so envious of all your beautiful plants. Just gorgeous and your little friend of the garden is a good sign and helper too. He will eat a lot of the critters that you want to be rid of. We used to have many of them in the desert but very rarely see them here on the Oregon coast.
The diagremontianum is just beautiful. Oh how I long for some of the dryness and warmth of the desert but not the scorpions of which I have been stung more times then I care to count. Very very painful and lasts 48hrs.
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