But the bigger thing I did, was to set up my trellises, and get my 2 buckets ready for the Kentucky Blue Pole Beans!!!!! I did not find the Yard long beans, so I settled for some other climbers! This will be my first experience with anything that climbs!
I found these two trellises at Lowes this morning, bought two bags of organic compost, two already started bell pepper plants (one yellow and one orange),
and cleaned out my succulent tires as well as I could without a small shovel, or butter knife to remove the clump of grass you will see growing on the side of my CACTUS tire...and I cannot be stabbed to death to try and remove it with my hands, so I will go at it later today (when it cools down), or tomorrow.
I have my newest okra plants growing up nicely...and with gorgeous leaves (as always)...
And my eggplants, with my morning haul (2 good sized ones).
All is well in my world, and I am grateful for the time to get some things accomplished that stay in the back of my mind driving me nuts!!!
Julie, your veggies look wonderful! I like the trellises too...will be perfect for your beans. Yes, I imagine it is difficult to weed the pricklier succulents, but they are really pretty! I had one that resembled brain coral (in my opinion) that gave up while I was trying to root it. :(
I bet you do great with your beans! And your succulent tires are looking awesome. Getting those weeds out is a constant pain in my fingers too. I am trying to think of another tool besides long handled tweezers to get them out. I am thinking surgical clamps. I wonder if I can get them on ebay. I think they would be awesome for the hard to reach stubborn ones that break off as you try to pull them. What do you think?
Julie, love eggplants..yummy. Your garden is just wonderful with not a lot of digging effort. I would like to try growing veges in pots in the spring.
Candy- you can try looking (or calling first) at your local surgical supply places!!! That does sound like a cool idea...although it seems something a little wider (like half an inch or so) might be better...like long, flat with ridges, needle nose pliers, or some sort of digger tool about that big.??? Something along that line...I need to check out the hardware store!!!
Nice! I hate weeding around succulents because I inevitably disturb some of the plants and they come dislodged, especially with grass. You did a much better job of weeding than I would have! And congrats on gettin' stuff done!
Also, it didn't happen if you didn't take pics - you're gonna have to do those pancakes again. :P
(not really but kinda because I wanna see a storm trooper pancake next to a rainbow pancake - it'll win you internet glory. lol.)
Your trellises will look beauiful when they are full of bean vines. I love your succulents. I bought several at Lowes the other day. I almost got a mother-of-millions? because It reminded me of yours. I had to draw the line someplace and it was there. I could just see those little things dropping off all over the livingroom floor this winter. Ha... Have a great 4th of july.
It has to be that small for me and long handles cause some are so tight under the succulents! Like the clover that continually grows under my golden barrel cactus. The pokeys keep getting me before I can get the whole root out. The surgical clamps lock tight so I am pretty sure they would would work.
Candy... I hear ya...I think you are right for thopse tight ones down there!!! I will try it as well!!! Maybe we can fgind some inexpensive ones on Ebay!!!
Lisa- OMG, I could just see all those M of M leaflettes all over your floor in the house!!! Not fun! :) I think you did good to keep away from this one. Even though mine is in the strawberry jar, they still go everywhere!!!
this is the best example of container gardening,, really neat,,I just found you tonight,,
I love your succulent tires, they're just soo much fun!
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