How interesting to walk out my front door and see one of my air plants with big purple blooms and yellow tips, but when I went over for a closer look, I discovered a smaller one underneath was also in bloom. (The one on the right was under the one on the left). They sure are pretty! I wasn't expecting anything so showy, since the plants themselves are far from that. I hope this means they are happy sitting in their current location of shade mostly, with a little bits of sun that peek through my hibiscus to shine on them briefly as the sun sets each day.
I accomplished my two goals today of getting my tomato plants in a pot, and looking for a book I wanted to read. It was something I had read about, but when I actually looked at it, I decided it wasn't for me. But, at least I looked. I was glad I hadn't ordered it online, because I would have been disappointed. I am trying to do 2 things before I order books online. Check the library system, look at a local used bookstore, so I can see it before I buy, and if I decide to buy, I still save postage. The library is the best though, if it works out that they have it!
It has been a lazy day, really, after working all week. I bought chicken wings and collard greens for dinner already made, at Publix. It was delicious...
Hope your Saturday is going well.
Very pretty plants. Wonder if they would live here? Should be 105 today! Just wondering...collard greens not commond here with take-out.How are they made?
What a wonderful and beautiful surprise! Another new one for me. I am really learning a lot from your love of plants!
It never occured to me that air plants bloom. Duh! And, the flowers are such an unrelated color to the plant. Very unusual.
Pudgeduck- Collard greens are a southern thing, so maybe you would only see that in one of the southeastern states...
We take fresh ones and wash and simmer them in 1/3 pot of water. Cut out the center stem first, leaving only the leafy green part. Then add to pot salt and pepper to taste, and cut up onion and garlic to taste, and a hamhock (omit this if you want vegetarian greens). Cook about 3 hours on low heat. Our favorite way is to serve with pinto beans and cornbread. The juice from the greens (potliquor) is so good over the cornbread!
Aiyana- I could see you loving air plants! I did not know what to expect when I bought them JUST LAST WEEK....but they really surprised me suddenly! They are weird and strange just like out cactus and succulents!!! :)
Teri- You are so sweet! I am waiting to see what people from Wisconsin grow!!! LOL :)
Hi Julie,
I love tillandsias. I have many varities in the garden. Each one is so different, with different blooms.
I mentioned your site in my last post about dish gardens and lithops. I think I have finally figured out how to comment to you. At least I hope so. I opened a google account. I have commented to you several times, but don't think you got them my comments. Sometimes I'm so computer dumb.
Kathy- You are Earthmother45!!! I found you...just posted at your webpage!
Julie, our succulents are beautiful. The colors of these flowers remind me of Mardi Gras. Looking good my friend.
Donna in Louisiana
We had chicken wings for dinner last night...yummy! I wish hubby didn't cook so good...it's not good for my weight! Anyway, they've got a lot air plants at the California Cactus Center. Yours is beautiful! Love the colorful flowers!
Beautiful. I would love to purchase some air plants some time. I'm not sure where I would get some though.
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