Here are my new shelves in the screenroom, which house all of the plants that can't really take full sun. I bought two shelves that you put together, and they are supposed to be 4 shelves high, but I wanted to stop at 3 shelves high, so after I built two, I had two shelves left over for a 3rd shorter shelf. Whew...did that make sense??? LOL. Anyway, I think they turned out pretty well, and I can see them all with ease, and rotate them as needed also.
Here are 3 of the ones that had to be moved out of the tires. Actually the Nelii here feels fine (firm), and has not gotten mushy, but I wanted to get it out of the rain sooner rather than later...oh...it just started raining again just now!!!
This pretty Mexican Love Plant was losing it's bright pink color (areas are turning white), so wanted to get her out of full sun.
My Flippin Flapjacks was affected the most, with loss of all of it's larger, beautiful leaves. I had to trim this guy up a bit, and bring him in. I think it was definately the rain that got the best of him...but I expect him to do fine now!
Here are two of my pretty plants...(at least to me). The first is just a grafted moon cactus...but I love the color...and the second is my huernia! I think this is my number 1 weirdo plant!
And last...here are my cleaned up and re-done succulent tires. Things had to be removed, and moved around, trimmed, and weeded. Most of the colored rocks had to be washed and replaced. I am happy with them again now that I spent the time needed to get them spruced up!
This Stapeliad Gigantea was taking over this one tire, so I moved out 3 other smaller plants that shared with it, and just left all of the space for it. It spreads like a wild man, and I like it just looking so happy in here amidst the bright blue stones!
I didn't have to worry about what to put in the side holes of this pot...the Mother of Thousands is dropping it's leaflets right into the pockets and should soon be full of new plantlets!
And my pretty little Portulaca in the carport! She's so sweet!
That ends the tour of all of my succulents, for now. Stay tuned for any future additions!
All look very healthy and attractive. Good horticultural care, Julie!
The third plant is a type of Gasteria I imagine. No idea on the others.
Oh, Aiyana...thankyou! I was feeling that the 3rd plant had to be either a gasteria or haworthia...I cannot wait to find out exactly what it is! You narrowed it down! Gracias!!!
I agree that it's probably a gasteria, but these aren't plants that grow. I like the tire gardens. When I grew up, it seemed that everybody had tire planters, made from tires that were cut on one side then turned inside out. My first sand box when I was a kid was an old tractor tire, and when I outgrew it, mom planted it full of petunias...
the first one--I have one of those too! I think it was called spiderweb echiveria?? not sure though
WOW @ your Stapelia G!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your Mexican Love Plant is an Anacampseros, right? I have one that looks similar and was tagged Anacampseros telephiastrum variegata, commonly known as "Sunset." Anyway, mine likes being in the sun and it is supposed to turn light yellow on the top sides of the leaves, pink on the edges and green underneath. (see Horticulture Magazine)
Nice little collection you got in the post. I especially like the nelli.
Mary-- yes the Spiderweb is a Sempervivum arachnoideum cv. 'Cebenese, or "Cobweb"
Claude-- that sandbox sounds awseome...you are giving me a great idea for my grandchildren when they move home from Germany!!!
Jessica-- Isn't that Stapediad growing like a bugger??? It really spreads!
Fern-- THANKS for the info! It was such a bright pink all over when I first got it, ...I had it out in full sun, but figured if I move it out of the sun, maybe it will go back pick again. I will have to let you know in time what happens! :)
Mr. Brown Thumb-- thanks! I really love my "rock", Pleiospilos nelii too!!!!!
No prob Julie! :-)
Wowsers! You DO have a lot of plants and they are all so beautiful! Thanks for the tour.
you do have a lot of plants! Like the shelves- and tire planters. They were abundent here in rural areas.
I love your new shelf displays in your screen room, Julie. The tyres look great all spruced up again.
Where I live, Mothers of Millions/Thousands, Prickly Pear and even Lantana are all classified as noxious weeds and it is illegal to have them so it always surprises me when I see people in other areas planting them. I don't mean that in a negative way either. I LOVE Prickly Pear!
Serena- I can't believe they are illegal there, where you live...I cannot imagine a world without Lantana, or prickly pear!!!
i came here via teri's blog and can't believe it all, what fabulous fabulous succulents, we just don't see these in england (of course)...fabulous, will visit again.
Your shelves & tires look fabulous! Nice job showing off your plants & sprucing up their environment, Julie!
On your IDs: Top plant looks like the species Sempervivum arachnoideum, but it doesn't look like the cultivar 'Cebanese', which I believe has pink edges & heavy webbing.
I still think the 2nd one looks like Senecio 'Himalaya'. Maybe I'll e-mail you a pic of mine for comparison.
3rd plant down looks more like Haworthia to me that a Gasteria. The flower will tell. Could be a mix--Gasterworthia!
Your Stapelia gigantea is coming along nicely! It will appreciate the room! I just posted a pic of mine (among others) on TGF when there were several bloom at once & a fly convention going on. :D
Lots of folks posted great pix of their Stapeliads/Asclepiads!
I took hundreds of pix of my plants the other day. I fear it will take forever to process them, though!
holy cow! i love all of your succulents! they're put together so nicely! you've inspired me to go out and search for some new types of succulents to put in my little entry way. i especially love the mexican love plant! oh and thank you so much for the nice comments you left on my blog! i didn't think anyone had looked at it before haha!
looks very nice ;) and that second
Succulent looks like it's in the
Kanlanchoe family. But very cool
Beautiful..I have a collection of my own I live in the Islands of Jamaica where it's hot so they thrive. I need to take some pictures and post them. I love collecting them and I get excited when I see some I dont have. I have a plant shop so at times I come across unusual onse but never seem to be able to keep them peopel are always convincing me to sell them but I decided I am gona start back my collection.
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