They bloom year-round here, and to encourage a full bush, you must cut them back to around 6 ft. several times a year (quarterly). They like to propogate themselves freely, so I am currently starting a Mexican Sunflower forest in my sideyard!!! They work exceedingly well as a screen to hide anything you do not want to see on the other side!!! Hooray!
Happy mid-week everyone! I will leave you with this quote I just read over at Bobbie Lynn's blog, WHY I LOVE TO GARDEN where she has the most beautiful handmade cards, gardens and cutest Corgi puppy ever!!! It goes like this: "The task ahead of us is never as great as the power behind us", by Ralph Emerson!
xoxo- Julie
Love the bright blooms!
The Mexican Sunflower is really stunning. I love its bright yellow petals.
Wow! It's wonderful to see blooms all year round, except winter right....
Then, you can sing "You are my sunshine, the only sunshine..."
Take care and bye!
A beautiful and happy flower! I'm off to check out the link...thanks, Julie ~
Seeing your cheerful sunflowers reminds me that your garden is in a much warmer zone than mine. I can't wait to see such beauties in my own garden. It won't be as long as it has been.
Thanks Julie for your great comment. Your very sweet. All the best to you at your new job. Yes, we often forget the He is more greater then are worries.
Blessings and thanks for the lovely photos of your Mexican Sunflower.
I once did a mandala with mexican sunflowers!
I am a bit are having spring already!
Those flowers are so pretty,i love flowers too. Mine are just coming up,and I am ready! Blessings jane
Oh such pretty flowers! I love the quote too--it is so encouraging!
Julie, thanks for the great info on the 5-gallon pails. I'll see what I can come up with...can't wait to plant some veggies.
I love the thought of you having a Mexican Sunflower forest.
Oh oh, these are gorgeoussssssssssss. I wonder if they will grow in AZ or maybe Wis. Love their happy yellow color.
I've always liked Mexican Sunflowers, but never actually grew any... Spring is just waking up here. I'll be out gardening soon... can hardly wait...
Hi Julie *hugs*
how beautiful...such a lovely happy flower. Those plants really grow to be able to cut them back so much...thats what you get for weather like yours...*s*...
I'll slip over to that blog. I like the quote. That is a new blog for me.
I hope you've been having a great week!
I love bright sunflowers. These brighten my day!
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