Well, look at what I stumbled upon at a place of business today! There were two of these and I could not resist taking pictures!!! Don't you love how they snake all out of these rectangular concrete planters???
I have been having such crazy days at work and home, that I actually considered (at a very weak moment) deleting a few things from my daily schedule and the two that would be cut first were going to be my garden and the blog!!! I knew I had better sit on these ideas a while...and I did. There will be no blog deleting...and thanks to my Mom who comes over daily (sometimes twice daily) to water my garden...it gets to stay too!
To quote a nun who I used to work with (she was Vietnamese)..."That's life" (Pronounced more by her like "That's Ryfe")...I guess it will just keep going on whether or not I can keep up with it...and I just have to keep trying!
Cheers to all of you! I have tomorrow (Friday) off, and will finally take my dog for a toenail cut. I have been negligent, and should be beaten! Poor Dooze...
What a magnificent plant! Sometimes things do become to much.......glad you found some solutions...cause you don't want to give up things you enjoy! Thanks for visiting and your lovely comment.
I am glad you are having your day off today!
You really do too much dear! Hope things will slow down for you soon so you will have time for your garden again.
I know you are busy with work and the kids and yes sometimes it is just like that...... But try to create some time for yourself as well.
I love this plant My grandma had one and I loved those flowers! They will always be connected with my childhood.
hugs for Doozey and you♥
The new look is lovely...so is the header picture!
There was a huge Crown of Thorns plant growing outside the window of a house we used to rent years ago. I loved it! These ones are attractive too.
I've been neglectful with those types of doggy chores too. I had to give Cody a full body trim the other day due to all the mats that had built up in his long coat. Shame on me...especially being that it's winter here. Lucky for Cody, he gets to snuggle up in warm blankets on the couch or bed.
gorgeous! love that pink red colour of the flowers!
Your life is full, this is a good thing. As long as you have time for yourself and family that is what matters most. Doosey will forgive you. We will wait to hear from you when you get a free moment. Have a nice day off.
I don't think a blog should be a chore. It should be what you want and what you can do. Maybe check out the email-to-post feature on blogger? I can write out posts on my phone and email it to the blog as a post. Not sure about pictures though but I'm sure there's a way to do it.
The crown of thorns is really nice! Those thick stems are gorgeous!
Oh please don't delete your blog and neglect your garden. You have provided such an inspiration for me regarding succulents. Because of your writing here and your photos I am re-working the sunniest part of my backyard into a succulent garden and potting succulents into my front yard pots instead of the lantanas and plumbagos. Glad to see you have changed your mind ;)
I am so glad you aren't deleting either. Your garden- depicted here is just so very very lovely, and think how many of us enjoy it too. Take it easy. My mantra is; This too shall pass'.
love the new banner on your blog - i need a professional gardener, ugh.
I am sooooooo glad you are keeping your blog and garden. Even in the hardest times we need to keep the things we love even if we can't do them as often. Where would we do without our sunny Julie! And boy do I love this plant. I had one at one time but it died. Waah! I would like another.
Oh and the header pic is awesome!
Oh Julie, I do hope you get some rest and make time for fun. These flowers are pretty and I wondered if you bought some? Or can't get another thing to water maybe? Thanks for being such a regular visitor of my blog, even when I am gone. But now I am back! LOL
Hugs from me.
Oh phew, I am so glad you arn't deleting anything!! We would all be lost without you and your beautiful plants and activities.
great planters. I've having a hard time with my blog... won't let me comment on my own page. GRRRR
I'm just as glad as the others that you're not giving up either of the extras! That is a really pretty Crown of Thorns, I haven't seen one here that draps like like, but I really like it. Very pretty!
Beautiful! I wish I had room for one.
Lovely - yes, I agree with you. I love how it grows a bit crazy. Take care and hope you had a nice rest. Evelyn
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