I moved all of my vegie buckets to my new "vegie and hospital" area. In with the eggplants, and okras, are a recovering chysanthemum (about 2 years old, and I thought I had killed it with lack of water, when it started coming back), and some new (green buckets) of new okra plants, plus 2 recovering gardenia bushes I had bought and not yet planted.. The new hospital area is in partial shade for the hot, hot steamy summer months here. They can all live here until I get home in the evening to water them.
I actually watered the succulent tires and strawberry pot today, because we are in a terrible drought! So much so that,... look, ...even my patio cracked! LOL. They just took our watering restriction down to only 1 day a week, starting on Monday! I can still water my plants by hand in the evenings.
There are a few of these on the fence this afternoon, but they are fading fast for the evening, and in the heat.
My hibiscus are coming back for the summer (that is their peak bloom time). I can never get sharp pics of the hibiscus...I wonder why???
I love this fancy one that has three blooms on the end of one branch!!!
Here is my PURPLE garden, with green and purple low growing spiky Oyster Plants, and tall growing fushia/purple hawaiian Ti Plants. I need to cut them down and it makes them put out more growth and become bushier. I may get that done tomorrow...because I am seriously shaping this yard up for total neglect over the next 6 months of torturous heat. I'll be at the mall, thankyou!!
I brought in 2 eggplants, 4 tomatoes (still green, but I couldn't wait any longer to remove the plants, and get the okras planted), and a potful of kale (last plant pulled out today after a run of 1 year and a season). My Mom provided the mangos from my cousins tree. Looks like good additions to our chicken wing dinner tonight!
Oh...and here is a pic of the quart sized bag of zipper peas (ignore the ice crystals) I received from my Aunt and Cousin in Lakeland. They both grew them and shelled them for me too!!! I can't wait to cook them. Maybe tomorrow. I have never tasted zipper peas, but they are a southern pea, more like black eyed, I presume.
Hope you all have a wonderful rest of the weekend, and now I am looking to create a Cactus Monday post...just wait and see...I can do it, yes I can!!! :)
xoxo- Julie
You are so full of energy this weekend Julie. Your garden looks ready for summer. It is a good thing that you like succulents. The summer drought and heat are enough to convert a person to succulent gardening.
In answer to your question on my blog, yes, I can grow tulips but I always forget to plant them. I would love some black ones. Maybe some fall I will get some.
I'm with Lisa. You are all a buzz! LOL That is good though. I am sorry that it is so hot and dry. One day a week...that must be brutal. At least you can water by hand at night. And I sure would like to taste those zipper peas too. How are you going to cook them?
Your garden seems to be well organized and I think where you get hot weather you need to be able to move are containers around and have the area to move them too. That is where I have some issues. I have way too may containers for my patio area. Wow, a mango tree? Love mangos and those look beautiful. The once in the market are always way too green. Those beans look wonderful too. have a wonderful Sunday. : )
Your garden is looking great, despite the heat! As I'm praying for rain, I'll put in a request for you too...we are very close to stage 3,which is when we go to where you are now. Even with watering at night, my hibiscus and bougainvilleas are feeling the trama. Thank goodness for all our succulent lovlies!! Sad thing though, at temps already over 100, even they are grumbling!
You asked what you could surprise my mother with...one of your paper bead creations would be the ticket! I've been thinking about it, and I know she loves crafty things, and you're super crafty!
Have a great rest of the weekend!
Thanks for the idea, Mandy!
Candy- my cousin told be she buys this brand of seasoning packets in a box, called Sazon, in the Ham flavor, and adds onions, etc. I have never tried the ham flavor, but I think I will give it a try. She said it gives them a smoky flavor as well...sounds delicious to me!!!
I love walking through your garden. It's not even work when you love being out there haloing things grow.
Have a great week.
Wow, that's quite the plant collection, I agree you've got energy to spare!!!
Love your header btw.
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