We were surprised to find that we had 4 fully grown Ichiban eggplants ready to go! YEAH!!!...Grandma Julie was never so happy to be snipping!!! Then we cut some kale, and pulled some carrots, and surveyed the okra plants, which are flowering again and showing new growth!!! I cut the tops out of them, and found 4 okra to full size! This neams (I hope) that they actually made it through winter here and are starting to gear up again!!! YIPEEEEE! This was very exciting to me, as I was actually experimenting to see if I could do it. I couldn't find much info online regarding the chances of it being able to happen, so I am heavily encouraged. Next weekend I will re-fertilize and see what happens!
Here is a shot of my largest and the worlds smallest carrot...hey it came from MY GARDEN!!! Hehehehe. See it next to the dime?....and you don't even have to pay one thin dime to view it!!! LOL. (Remember that at the fair)???
You see, Florida is a sh-tty place to grow carrots. Even in a bucket with all commercial dirt and wonderous regular weekly feedings! They have been VERY FUN to grow, and I am going to look up a different variety (one that is supposed to be monsterous) for next years crop.....we shall see what happens then...
I finally made my rainbow sides for my little basket and filled it with "gold". I plan on buying some Mardi Gras coins to use. Hey...I've got a question. You all remember my little tree that we decorated for Valentines Day? Today we are stripping it of its lovliness (Donovan's Valentines from his class are all over it), and we were going to start a St. Patricks tree...but then I remembered Mardi Gras. Do you think we could combine both of those holidays on one tree, or would it be sacriligous? I REALLY want to do it to save myself time...what are your thoughts???
Your assistant in SO adorable and adorabler everyday.
Your garden is sure happy giving you all those goodies.
Hey, it's your tree do whatever makes you happy, there are no art police (or tree police as the case may be)
Hey Julie!!! Your garden is great! I had a few things but wanted to tell you about my little dog-check out my blog--
I don't really celebrate either holiday, but heck, Easter isn't until April 24. You have plenty of time to do 2 separate decoratings. And the green of St. Paddy's can carry over.
Nice harvest, BTW.
Your veggies look yummy. I think you should do whatever you want to with your tree. Have a great weekend.
I love that your garden overfloweth most all of the time. We're just getting some little green things peeking out of the ground right now.
Love your little spy helper...she's too cute! You got quite a haul from your garden buckets today too. For your tree, I say combine them, St. Patrick's green and colorful Mardi Gras beads will be a great combination!
I'm with Teri, Lisa and Mandy! Do whatever you want. It's your tree. I think it will look sooooo cool. And Miss Emily looks so darn cute with those glasses!
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