For the life of me, I cannot get this pic to turn! Sorry!
You can't see what it says on Emily's shirt, but it says "MY MOM ROCKS"! Well, after finding this awesome website that has hundreds of different characters/animals/etc. that can be printed out that fit a paper toilet roll exactly.....I really think her shirt should say "MY GRAMMA ROCKS"!!!
These are a Lamb, and Little Bo Peep. She has played with them all day! The site allows you to print in color or B & W. I would recommend doing the B & W, and allowing the child to color it before cutting it out. These kids have two toy boxes full that they rarely touch, but make a game up, or make a game, or make an ANYTHING, and THAT is where the fun lies. Tonight I made a new for St Patricks Day...I need to make some little rainbows for the sides and fill it with "gold"...I will attempt to make my gold from origami paper...
I have been practicing a few origami things. One is really kind of looks like a canoe, but deeper. It is called a candy pouch. It can be used to hold food items too (even fries or eggs, etc.) if wax paper is used on the inside. I made the first one with a peice of newspaper and a piece of computer paper. The whole day Emily carried her little toy items everywhere in it. The next morning she wanted eggs and toast for breakfast, so what did Gramma Julie do??? I had to make her one with wax paper on the inside. I cut the scrambled eggs in chunks for finger food, and her toast in 1 inch wide strips, and placed them in the pouch. She sat on her Moms lap and ate that while watching much more perfect can it get???
Luckily my book that has a section on Origami, starts with easy projects (the pouch, and a butterfly, that I made today), and progresses up to moderate and advanced. I have never forced myself to persevere to get it down, but now I have an urge to do so. If I can keep going, I will be sure to post what I make, OK?????
Too cute and good luck with your origami. Sound like fun at your house.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Those tproll creatures are cute. You are a good grandma keeping those kids busy. I have tried origami but my mind doesn't follow the folding steps very easily. Good luck. I will look forward to seeing your creations.
toilet paper rolls are the best! and Gramma--you DO rock!
As a kid I made the 3 wise men from tp rolls also used them to be towers in cereal box castles. Imagine a life without imagination. No thanks!
How fun! Origami is a lot of fun, Caitlin learned how to make a swan a few years ago in school and was addicted from that point. I'm not to swift with them, but that's what we have her for!!
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