Well, here it is.....6 potatoes that looked pretty good....all red...plus a bonus teeny weenie baby!!! Can you see it up top in middle??? It is about 3/4 inch in diameter! LOL. It was disappointing, because I thought each plant (there were 5) would make about 6-8 potatoes...but it did not happen. :(

I washed them up...

Cut them up (they were nice and firm...just right)...

And put a pork roast on top!

Underneath is a layer of cabbage, onions and, strangely enough, some mustard greens! This should be interesting!!!
I have decided now that I should try potatoes again...and NOT care what season I grow them in, because ...well...I am experimenting! I will plant these new cuttings (once they have sprouted) along my back fence line in the partial shade for the hot months coming up...and just see what happens! I will use real dirt this time, supplemented with a lot of good stuff. Here are my new babies ready to sprout, in a shallow dish of water in the kitchen windowsill. I change out the water daily.

Oh...and I had to take a picture of my little Gretel eggplants...they are really showing their stuff right now!!!

Have a nice Thursday...and thanks for stopping by!
What fun. Even if you didn't get a large amount it is fun to experiment. Your roast dinner looks yummy. I am getting hungry.
Wow, I'm very impressed. You sure do have a bit of farmer in you. Lol
By the way, I badly want a set of Corelle Butterfly Gold, but I can't rationalize having a second set of dishes.
The potatoes that you did get are really nice in size and they were a perfect side side dish for your roast. I have never tried growing them, but they are on the list to try one day. Your eggplants look healthy and beautiful there is the Florida sunshine.
Saw you post below and your stitching is adorable.
Have a wonderful weekend.
I am sorry you are disappointed..... To me it all looks yummy!
And I admire you for growing your own veggies!
maybe they produce more when in the ground instead of a container?
have a nice Sunday!
Wow, I didn't know that you could grow eggplants in a container. I am fairly new to container gardening. My kids and I have lots of fun growing stuff. It is good to know that you can garden in the desert. We will be moving to Las Vegas in about two months.
That roast pork meal looks yummy. The potatoes looked great after you washed them.
my goodness, those potatoes look fantastic! I've been hearing about this bucket method of growing them and have yet to try it, but after seeing yours (and how great they obviously cooked up!) I'm getting closer to actually doing it!
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