This is one of my new ones! It looks like the bloom will be my fav color, ORANGE. I have no idea the type tillandsia it is, but I will try and research it out. The plant is a darker green, and very weird, like an octopus, or squid. It is unique, for sure. I am surprised by the price of these things, but my two new plants cost me 10 dollars and change. Does that seem high, or low to you??? You can guss what I thought since I am such a cheapo. :)

Well, have a happy rest of what's left of Cactus Monday!
Hi Julie
Air plants are growing on me :). When I first saw them I thought they were the weirdest things, I still think they are kinda weird, but in a good way now. I didn't know they flower - the orange bloom is looking good!
What beautiful plants. I can't wait to see the bloom fully developed. I had one of these for awhile before it conked out on me. I just love the look of them. Happy CM.
Happy Cactus Monday to you too. Enjoy your new purchase and I'm the same way, but 2 for 10 is not bad.
Wow, how interesting Julie! My kind of plant, it would be very happy in Arizona. That bloom looks like it is going to be awesome.
i think that's a reasonable price.
very cool.
i plan on having some of these in the future, when i have more space and sun.
Please show us the blooms also!
It is a succulent? Amazing.
Beautiful!!! I've seen these and thought they would be hard to grow. They look so exotic!
The flowering one looks like Tillandsia bulbosa, a species that is widespread in Central and South America.
Matt- Thanks so much for the ID. I had been looking and thought that it looked most like the Bulbosa. It sure is a cute little thing!
Marianne- at first, I thought these would be a succulent, but now I think they are just in the Bromeliad family only. They sure don't need much water though, which suits me well, since that doesn't disturb my usual laid back watering schedule (near to none)...LOLOL!!!
I've never had an air plant, but think they are interesting. It will be fun to see the flower.
Thanks for your help with the name of the zigzag cactus.
I love my airplants. Here in Sarasota we can get them at Tropiflora. They have many varieties...some for only $1 or $2. You can check them out online
www.tropiflora.com. Lots of orchids, bromeliads too.
Cheap sounds good to me, and I don't think you paid too much for them. I can't wait to see what the bloom looks like when it's open. I answer to your question on my latest post, yes, we have to move. With SAM working in Tallahassee, we only get to see each other on weekends. At least we won't be too far away from the kids and our grandson. And I'm sure the job market for me over there is way better than here right now. I'm looking forward to getting over there, just not the actual move! Thanks for asking, Julie.
I never realised just how many varieties of air plants there are....these ones look spectacular and ya gotta love the fact that they're so easy to care for.
The dark green one is bulbosa. I have one on driftwood that grows very slowly but does great with only an occasional mist, a bit more than the others though.
Very nice plants! The price seems high to me but I'm a student and cheap to begin with. So maybe I'm not the best judge of value...
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