Anyone know what this large bush (approx. 10 ft. x 10 ft.) is??? It is very attractive with these black pods that open up to bright yellow flowers!!! The contrast is stunning!

*This plant was later identified as a Popcorn Cassia, or Peanut Butter Cassia (Senna didymobotrya)
I have never seen a starfruit tree before. I just assumed they grew on vines. I have no idea what the other tree is but it's very interesting!
We've got a few of these at the arboretum, and I've found yellow sulphur caterpillars on it, but I don't know the name either! If nobody else comes up with it, I'll find out in a few days and let you know.
Julie, I know what you mean about star fruit. When I was growing up, we had a tree and lots of fruit. We used to eat the sliced fruit with a sprinkling of salt. I know it sounds weird, but it takes away the tartness I think. Never tried it with salad, but it does sound like a good idea. Happy weekend, Ev
Lovely photos, Julie! I've never tried the star-fruit but have seen them in the supermarket.
To the best of my knowledge, the mystery tree is a Popcorn Cassia. Beautiful flowers!
Interesting fruit. Your mystery plant reminds me of a cassia alata...?
Hi Julie
I've never seen starfruit on the tree. They look pretty up there. I agree I don't like them to eat but putting them into a salad would be pretty.
VERY pretty bush. We don't have it around these parts...hope you find out what it is.
Hope you are having a great weekend!
The star fruit and the plant are exotic plants to me. I have seen the star fruit at the grocery but I have never bought one because I didn't know what to do with it. I don't think I have ever seen the plant you have shown. It is beautiful.
Growing up in the Philippines, star fruit is very popular!
I saw some of them at the Grocery here in Los Angeles and they are soo expensive.
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