The prickly pear bloom on this spiness wonder is just such a gorgeous color, isn't it???

Anyone know what that green agave-looking plant is with the stripe on each leaf? I love the look of it, and they have a good number of them there.

Last is a huge mound of stapeliad (not blooming yet...but has those dinner plate sized blooms that look like starfish and all hairy... when it does bloom...I will be on the lookout, for sure). This looks like it is a whole field full doesn't it...from this angle. Some of the tips are a red color, which is actually what I was trying to show here, but they have more of a brownish hue in the photo.

Hope your day is a happy one too!!!
Lovely banner!
A field full of cacti...never seen that before.
And enjoy the beautiful meal too!
Dinner looks good Julie. Congrats on your collard greens. Always a treat to cook with fresh treats from your own garden.
What a bright flower the prickly pear has. Nice photos Julie, thanks. Enjoy dinner.
Great pics, Julie...the stapeliad looks amazing!
The stapelias make an awesome surreal photo! I have one but it will take a while to get a fraction of that size! I forget what kind of agave is, but its one of my favorites too. It looks so much lusher than others.
Yes, those roses are for you. Thank you for always stopping by and always leaving wonderful comments. Have a great evening. : )
the reddish color on the stapeliads are probably left-over from winter... they turn that color when they feel any sort of stress... they get over it pretty quick though.
Dinner sounds good... but I woulda thrown in some taters on top.
You're making me hungry.
I love roast cooked in the crock pot. I've never tried em with collards, but I enjoy collards. jan
that flowering prickly pear is so lovely, gonna show it to senita and see whether she may decide to bloom one day -sigh. and love your header too.
Ihave never eaten collards before. It looks like a pretty dish of food. Wonderful plants too.
Just a guess, but it looks like the Agave is Agave funkiana. Nice blog. Thanks.
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